In the NY Times!

Alas, not about our strides toward redesign and renovation, but about our ping-pong table and the tournament we held last year. Discussing how each location produces a different kind of engagement around the tables, the article quotes a Lo-Down piece written by our own Kim Gledhill:

And after a Ping-Pong tournament in Gulick Park, a neighborhood blog called The Lo-Down wrote, “An Estonian woman put on quite an impressive show of skill, as did her female Scottish opponent. Chinese-speakers, Spanish-speakers, African-Americans, Anglophiles and those of Yiddish ancestry (like myself) surrounded the table throughout the afternoon, all joined by a shared love of Ping-Pong.”

In other news, the Spanish version of our First Community Vision Report is now on-line. And if you walk by the Willett Street border of the park, you can see the first bulbs blooming and the Forsythia leading the spring charge. Many thanks to everyone you planted these last May!

First Flowers 2011

First Flowers 2011

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