Last chance to shape the park’s future

This Wednesday, 5/4, at 6:30pm. Abrons Art Center, 466 Grand St.

Please attend, bringing your thoughts and bright ideas, and be prepared to share.  This is  the chance of a lifetime to be involved in the process of rebuilding an open, green space you, your family, friends, and neighbors will enjoy for decades to come!

After brief opening statements reviewing the general results of our initial community input, we’ll break up into 5 groups. Each group will have a facilitator, and someone sketching out the ideas visually using a large map of the park.

The purpose is to think about each of the 5 issues as it relates to the park’s current condition–what works, what doesn’t–and then to see how better design elements could correct or enhance those aspects of the park.

The 5 groups:

1) Movement Through the Park: entrances, exits, and pathways

2) Layout of Park Uses: different activity areas, how they interconnect

3) Sight Lines and Visibility: vertical elements, openness

4) Role of the Park in the Community: cultural connections, demographics of users, potential users, how the park can serve these

5) Look, Sound, and Feel of the Park: the materials of the park: quantity of plants, of solid structures, or play equipment, immobile elements, moveable elements, etc. and the ratio of these. How colorful, interactive, etc., is everything?

We’ll end the evening by reviewing the 5 groups’ results.

After this, the process is largely in the hands of NYC Parks & Recreation designers. We’ll have some say in the future, but not as much as RIGHT NOW.

Hope to see you tomorrow evening!

Translators for Spanish and Mandarin speakers will be present.

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