The Proposed Redesign

Conceptual Plan

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Pumpkin painting event

First Recycling Event in Gulick Park!

Friends of Gulick Park is hosting an e-waste recycling event on Saturday, September 7 from noon to 3 pm. Please tell your family and friends!

Continue reading First Recycling Event in Gulick Park!

Tell us what’s missing! Come see us in Luther Gulick Park tonight, July 23, 5-7 pm or take an online survey. We’d love to hear from you!

Fall Fun in Gulick Park!

200+ community members of all ages enjoyed the spectacular weather on Saturday, October 28 in Gulick Park. Kids painted pumpkins and had their faces painted; ping pong players engaged in friendly competition; capoeiristas demonstrated their skills; everyone pitched in to clean up the park and plant spring bulbs. A good time was had by

Continue reading Fall Fun in Gulick Park!

We rescheduled our fall event to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28!

The forecast for Saturday, October 28 is spectacular! We hope you can join us! ATTENTION PING PONG PLAYERS: If you signed up for the ping pong tournament for October 21st, there is no need to re-register; if you have not signed up yet, click HERE!

Continue reading We rescheduled our fall event to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28!

Event Reminder

Please join us tomorrow, Saturday, October 21 at 1 pm for pumpkin painting, ping pong, capoeira, and spring bulb planting.

It’s not too late to register for the Ping Pong tournament – all skill levels are welcome! Click here to sign up,


Continue reading Event Reminder

Ping Pong Tournament – Registration is open!

Click HERE to register!

Join Us!

It’s Pumpkin Time!

Join us for our popular Fall event. This year we are excited to host a ping pong tournament and welcome back New York Mindful Capoeira.

Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 1 pm to 4 pm in Luther Gulick Playground (rain date, Saturday, October 28)

1 pm: Kids’ pumpkin

Continue reading It’s Pumpkin Time!


Sunday, October 23, 2022 (rain date, Sunday, October 30)

Join us for pumpkin painting, face art, bulb planting, and park cleanup. NEW THIS YEAR – hula hooping and hoop dancing brought to us by NYC Hoop Troupe!

Continue reading SAVE THE DATE!

Movies Under the Stars: The Goonies

We are pleased to host the Movies Under the Stars presentation of THE GOONIES in Luther Gulick Park. Grab a blanket and join us!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 7:45 PM

Delancey and Willet Streets

Continue reading Movies Under the Stars: The Goonies

It was a great day!

It’s My Park Spring 2022

The community pitched in and planted 350+ flowers and cleared 15 bags worth of weeds and trash!

The New York Mindful Capoeira Academy delighted participants with live music and a capoeira presentation and kids honed their skills at the Henry Street Settlement basketball clinic.

Thank you to all

Continue reading It was a great day!




Saturday, May 21, 1 PM – 4 PM

It’s My Park!

Join neighbors to enjoy and celebrate our local park!  

Activities include flower planting, park clean up, a youth basketball clinic hosted by Henry Street Settlement, and a capoeira roda (circle) led by Mestre Ombrinho and capoeiristas from the New York Mindful Capoeira Academy*.


Continue reading SAVE THE DATE!

Our October 2021 event was awesome!

100+ pumpkins painted, 750 bulbs planted, scores of faces painted, and tons of fun had by all!

Continue reading Our October 2021 event was awesome!

Pumpkin painting is back!


Henry Street Settlement presents Summer Saturdays FUN! at L.E.S. local parks. The first fun-filled event is at Luther Gulick Park on July 31 from 12 noon to 4 pm. Activities include face painting, balloon twister, arts & crafts, and giant games. Plus free ice cream and snacks!

Continue reading SAVE THE DATE!


Please join Friends of Gulick Park tomorrow! Meet neighbors and fellow park lovers to pull weeds and pick up trash or stop by to say hello. Find us at our welcome table at the Delancey Street entrance.

Sunday, July 11 from 9 am to 10:30 am

We hope to see you in the park!

Continue reading REMINDER

Join us!

Friends of Gulick Park is launching bi-monthly gatherings to keep the park looking good. Meet neighbors and fellow park lovers to pull weeds and pick up trash or stop by to say hello. We’re starting with two dates to gauge interest and day/time availabilities. Find us at our welcome table at the Delancey Street

Continue reading Join us!


Join Friends of Gulick Park for It’s My Park Event!

Save the Date!

A Great Day at Gulick Park!

The community turned out for the first It’s My Park celebration since the re-opening of Gulick Park. Kids of all ages planted bulbs, raked leaves, picked up trash, and chatted with neighbors. We can’t wait for the explosion of color when 500 bulbs bloom next spring!

Many thanks to all the volunteers, Partnership for

Continue reading A Great Day at Gulick Park!

REMINDER – It’s My Park Event

October 25, 2020, 10 am to noon

Volunteers needed! Meet the Friends of Gulick Park Steering Committee. Learn how your skills and energy can contribute to a livelier park for the community to enjoy.

Continue reading REMINDER – It’s My Park Event


Luther Gulick Park Reopens!

Friends of Gulick Park will mask up and socially distance in the new, greener, and livelier Gulick Park on Saturday September 19 at 3:30 pm.

The park reopens after 18 months of renovation. Check out the luxurious lawn, benches galore, two ping pong tables, completely redone handball courts, new basketball courts, play areas

Continue reading Luther Gulick Park Reopens!

A new, greener, and livelier Luther Gulick Park expected to reopen in Fall 2020!

NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, Councilmember Margaret Chin, and students of P.S. 110 broke ground for the much anticipated reconstruction of Luther Gulick (Sheriff) Park.

Visit Luther Gulick Park Reconstruction for project updates.

P.S. 110 students are joined by (l. to r.) Former Councilmember Alan Gerson, Lisa Gulick, NYS

Continue reading A new, greener, and livelier Luther Gulick Park expected to reopen in Fall 2020!

Join us for an historic groundbreaking!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 11 AM

Friends of Gulick Park is delighted to invite community members to join NYC Parks Commissioner, elected officials, and partner organizations to the Luther Gulick Park renovation ground-breaking ceremony. Celebrate the start of a project that was made possible by the unwavering support of neighbors and friends

Continue reading Join us for an historic groundbreaking!

Luther Gulick Park Renovation Update

As of March 18, 2019, Luther Gulick (Sheriff) Park will be closed for 18 months for a complete renovation. Stand by for more information about the official ground-breaking ceremony on March 26!

Until the park reopens in the fall of 2020, be sure to visit other parks nearby.

Henry M Jackson Playground (handball,

Continue reading Luther Gulick Park Renovation Update


After 10 years of advocacy, community organizing, and visioning, we are pleased to announce that the restoration of Gulick Playground is scheduled to begin in March 2019.  Thanks to all of our neighbors, community leaders, elected officials, and local media for your support. This would not have happened without you!

Friends of Gulick Park

Continue reading BREAKING GROUND IN MARCH 2019!!