Fall Celebration and Visioning for Programming

Sunday, October 27th from 1-4pm

While we’ve been quiet almost all summer, we’ve not been sleeping on the job! With help from NYC Parks and Recreation and letters of support from community supporters (thank you!), we submitted a grant application for $2,500,000 to the state department of transportation. Should the DOT award us the grant, it would mean we will have completely funded the entire renovation project. Fingers crossed!

It's My Park Day, Sunday 10/27 from 1-4pm

It’s My Park Day, Sunday 10/27 from 1-4pm

In the meantime, we want to continue our fall tradition: Sunday, October 27th from 1-4pm we are hosting our bi-annual community event.

In addition to the ever popular pumpkin painting and bulb planting, we’ve added some new activities. There will be a large craft table for creating autumnal or Halloween projects. We’ve partnered with the Manny Cantor Center, which will be running an obstacle course and some balance and rope challenges.

And speaking of new activities, in the not too distant future we will have a brand new park and playground, one deserving of new vitality and happenings. We want to hear from the community about what activities the park should host. Movie nights on a handball wall? Art displays? Basketball tournaments? Imagination Playground Blocks? A play associate to run games and competitions? You tell us!

This is part of a transition the Friends of Gulick Park hopes to make as we near full funding for the new design’s construction. We hope to create a fund to sustain a level of maintenance and programming fitting for such a lovely park and such a deserving neighborhood.

So come down to Gulick Park on Sunday the 27th, have some fun, tell us what you want to see happen in the new park, and help make it happen!

Finally, we need to thank SoHo House NYC for sponsoring this event with a generous cash donation.


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